I remember the first time I caught a Dude Perfect video on youtube, I was mesmerized. I quickly showed the entire family. We watched them over and over again trying to find the flaw. We imagined ways that they might have rigged it somehow to make it happen. We found no flaws. We saw no wires. These guys are the real deal.

What impressed me more was when I went to their web site and found that they were donating a portion of any of their proceeds to Compassion International. Their about page made a bold statement about their faith in Jesus Christ. I was hooked. For the last several years it has been amazing to watch an overnight viral video sensation turn into a brand that is one of the most recognizable on Youtube. They’ve done commercials with GMC Trucks and Southwest Airlines. They’ve met stars and been on the ESPY’s. All overnight. All from one simple motto…


It is my honor to review their first book, perfectly titled “Go Big“. Available tomorrow on Amazon, “Go Big” is a book written by Dude Perfect member Cory Cotton. It is their story and their vision for chasing a passion in your life. Using the five principles listed below, they explain how you can literally build a brand overnight. Their 5 principles are:

Get Excited

Own It

Blink Later

Inspire Others

Give Back

On a personal level, the guys from Dude Perfect have been nothing short of wonderful. Thanks to the greatness that is twitter, I have had the blessing to interact with the guys a bit and they are exactly as advertised. They have been great to “The Boy” and often send a message to tell him they said “hello”. I loved the book. They are so in touch with technology that they include smart tags on several pages which can be scanned and will immediately take you to a corresponding youtube video. Great guys. Great book. Great compassion.

I give “Go Big” a BIG 5 out of 5!

Disclosure of Material Connection: Tyndale House Publisers sent me a free copy of this book as part of their bloggers book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
