Rather than flooding twitter with a full stream of posts all day, I’m moving it over here. I’m virtually attending “The Nines” leadership conference today. Well, I actually have it running while I do all of my other duties of my day job and am trying to hear as much as I can. It’s been on for 38 minutes and I’m catching great stuff all ready. Below is a full, live notes from the sessions throughout the day. Keep checking back for more.

-Don’t judge success by seating capacity, but by sending capacity

-Andy Stanley says that vision is a picture in our mind about what could be, a passion in our heart about what should be

-Market to the church! We can’t always afford to market well to the community, but we can effectively market to the audience we already have.

-Motivate the people on your team to leverage their own networks (facebook, twitter, etc)

-It’s important to not only study Scripture, but also to be a student of popular culture

-Be Biblical, practical and radical

-It doesn’t matter if you’ve won the heart of the city. It doesn’t matter if you’ve won the heart of the nation, if you lose the heart of your wife.

-God does not call a husband alone (Ed Stetzer)

-Who we are at home is who we really are! (Courtney Joseph)

-You only teach what you know, you’ll only lead where you go, you’ll only reproduce who you are – (Henry Blackabee)

-Need – Vision = Desperation (Jon Ferguson)

-Sometimes just because people serve God and were used in a big way doesn’t mean that everything they have to teach you is good (Mark Driscoll)

-“If you don’t have a target, you’ll hit it every time” Howard Hendricks

-John Maxwell: “Momentum is hard to keep, and once you get it you want to keep going. If you keep stopping the train for everybody you never build any momentum.”

-90% perfect, shared with the world always changes more lives than 100% perfect but stuck in my head (Jon Acuff)

-Staff—they want to work for a leader that cares more about what they are becoming than what they are doing. (Perry Noble)

-If you’re in ministry for the money…get out. (Perry Noble)

-There are pastors that say “My lips have never touched a beer. Well, your feet have never touched a treadmill either. You’re drinking gravy or snickers and that’s just as bad as alcohol. We need to be physically fit and energized. (Perry Noble)

-Physical—I work out. Take care of body. Emotional energy? I see a counselor. What we do is not normal. We don’t deal with a lot of normal people. (Perry Noble)

-Preach outline in five minutes or less. If can’t communicate big truths of message in five minutes, won’t do it in 30 minutes (Brady Boyd)

-If vision cannot be taught, it can only be caught, then it’s vital that it’s cast properly! (Chad Hunt)

-Great leaders are never control freaks. (Chris Elrod)

-God never uses control freaks to do something amazing for His Kingdom. If control freaks are controlling everything, God isn’t controlling anything! (Chris Elrod)

-“We can’t create the wave, we can only ride the wave when God does.” Pastor Steven Furtick

-What would it look like if you started counting what you say you really value? (Dave Ferguson)

-What if we started COUNTING what we say we believe in? We need to begin thinking of measuring the impact we’re having as we send people out  (Dave Ferguson)

-We need to measure what we value. If we only value nickels and noses, continue to use the matrix you’ve been using. But, if you value mission, then we have to start measuring and valuing the impact we’re having. (Dave Ferguson)

-Honor will not let you take lightly the things that he (and others) have done for you! (Dino Rizzo)

-What you fail to honor, you will eventually lose. (Dino Rizzo)

-Self Leadership. At the end of the day, no one else really cares about my leadership development – I have to take responsibility for my own life. (Jenni Catron)

-Managerial Leadership. It’s not flashy, but it’s an essential element in the development of leadership (Jenni Catron)

-Visionary Leader. These are the leaders who naturally give hope and a clear picture of the future. (Jenni Catron)

-Spiritual Leadership. Your team needs you to speak into their lives – they need you to be praying for them – they need you to care for their soul. (Jenni Catron)

-It’s important that every leader work to develop skill in each of these areas – even if it doesn’t come naturally. (Jenni Catron)

-Staffing conflicts – Invite people to fight (Charles Lee)

-Determine some basic rules. Fight clubs need rules. (Charles Lee)

-Play by the rules and model the fight. As the leader, model the fight by being willing to be formed as the group thinks. (Charles Lee)

-Keep the fight underground (Charles Lee)

-Celebrate the win together. The “win” isn’t getting your opinion on top, it’s about moving forward as an organization. (Charles Lee)

-Control the controllables in your life and leave the uncontrollables to God. (Kay Warren)

-I’m as emotionally healthy as I want to be. It doesn’t matter what’s happened to me, what circumstances in my life, at end of day I’m responsible for what I do about how emotionally healthy I am or am not. (Kay Warren)

-We all have inner fire. If we let inner fire go out, we are ministering from dead coals. (Gail McDonald)

-Something as simple as weight being disciplined can transcend the truth of God’s Word to the lives of His people. (Shannon O’Dell)

-To be a disciple means we have to be disciplined. (Shannon O’Dell)

-That is emotional health. No other vocation needs more physical and emotional health—it’s a war. (Shannon O’Dell)

-God doesn’t owe me anything. Thought because God called me to start a church, He would give me the church I imagined. (David Door)

-It is the gap that is making you the person God’s vision requires. (David Door)

-Many pastors focus their efforts on the Sunday morning program. We’ve discovered that there is a direct relationship between the small, nuclear happenings and the major transformational outcome. (Mark Jobe)

-As a pastor, the task of discipling so many people is a daunting task. I know that it takes a great deal more than what happens on Sunday mornings to make effective disciples. (Ron Edmondson)

-Don’t neglect the few because you can’t address the many. (Ron Edmondson)

-Do missions with seekers! (Bob Roberts)

-Keep people in society while we’re discipling them (Bob Roberts)

-Ministry shouldn’t be something that is done “to” people – it should be done “with” people. (Bob Roberts)

-Spend money you have to reach more people and they will begin to give more money. (Bill Cornelius)

-Those that are scared off by the talk of money don’t understand the power of money. (Charles Hill)

-Be personal. Intentionally share what your own family is “in for” with a giving campaign. (Charles Hill)

-The greatest gift you provide your church is modeling a healthy marriage and family. (Herbert Cooper)

-God isn’t offended by bold prayers. He’s offended by anything less. We need to dream big, pray hard and think long. (Mark Batterson)

-You can’t pray too much, you can’t pray too hard. You need to pray circles around the promises and dreams God has given you. If you’ll do that, leadership, teaching, preaching, family and ministry will take care of themsleves. (Mark Batterson)

I’ve got to cut the notes at this point. If you’re still following along, check out Embracing Change Blog for more (and much more detailed) notes.