A few quick updates about what’s going on around our crib and on the interwebs. It’s no secret we’re a rather “digital” family. Our first born was sure to catch the bug sooner or later too. Last year for Christmas he received an iPod Touch and, one year later, continues to amaze me with his knowledge of that device. I often ask HIM for help when I get lost on my iPhone.

It’s only fitting that as we close out 2011, “The Boy” would launch his own blog. We set it up just a few short days ago and he’s already posting updates regularly. He is making it his own which is very cool.

Heather continues to post as her crazy busy schedule allows on her blog too. Tomorrow an article that she wrote for an author will be featured on that authors site. How about that?!? So proud of her ability to keep so many plates spinning and still find time to be a rock of faith in our home.

Check out both sites and you’ll be glad you did.

To sum it all up –

Austin’s Blog – austinaconrad.com

Heather’s Blog – heatherlconrad.com