About 4 years ago, a close friend of mine had a vision. It was a vision she had already experienced in Nashville, Tennessee. Now she wanted to see this vision happen in Columbus, Ohio. She followed her heart and over the last three years, hundreds of men, women and children have had presents on Christmas morning to unwrap. Each present was purchased with money from someone in the family. Friends…welcome to “The Manger”.

The vision of The Manger is that adults that are going through a tough time financially will still be able to provide Christmas for their family. Each member of the family will receive three gifts. Total cost to the adult is $2 per person in their household they are buying for. So, for example, a family of 5 will have 15 gifts for a total of $10. The individual has a sense of pride in providing Christmas gifts while only experiencing a minimal cost. The gifts are new, in a box and well above the price paid. They are also wrapped by hand before the family even leaves the Manger. It is beautiful.

Last night my family and I served alongside people from Churches all over NW Columbus at the Manger. The crowd there to serve was overwhelming. I’m so proud of my friend for following her passion, her heart and her vision. If you are interested in donating your time, gifts or financially, EMAIL ME. The Manger runs each night this week and can always use more gifts and financial support.

What vision have you had that you can make happen?