This afternoon, David Bompart stepped into eternity to be with his Creator and his Savior. If you have not followed the story, David (the husband of a friend of ours) was shot while serving in Haiti. He has been there since the earthquake destroyed the city. This tragedy took place as he was withdrawing cash to continue work on a new orphanage there. He was fulfilling his calling and his mission.

This is not how it’s supposed to go. This is not how this story should end. These are those “Why God?” moments when the questions don’t have answers. I did not know David well but I know his wife Nicolle. She is a treasure. She is the kind of person that lights up every room and beams the spirit of a living God. David has been described as a “Warrior” and a man with a huge heart for those in need. Their foundation, Eyes Wide Open International, I have mentioned before on this blog.

Please keep Nicolle and their son Mack in your prayers during the days ahead. I don’t know much, but I know that God holds them now. I know that David is face to face with the Creator of this universe. This song just feels appropriate at this moment….