If you are anywhere in the Columbus, Ohio area you have a very important opportunity tomorrow (Saturday, February 4th). The Chick-Fil-A on Sawmill Road is kindly hosting an all-day fundraiser to support “Love Them Home”. This is an opportunity to raise financial support and lift the burden for the family of “Big Dave”. As I mentioned yesterday, tragically, Big Dave passed away yesterday from a gun shot wound he sustained while doing missionary work in Haiti. Additionally, a donation will be made to continue the work at the orphanage where Big Dave was working in Haiti.

This tragedy has captured attention both locally and nationally. Big Dave’s wife, Nicolle, is a friend to everyone. She calls Columbus “home”. Let’s do everything we can to reach out to this family in this time of need and support them however we can. All of the details are below. For directions to the Chick-Fil-A on Sawmill Road, click HERE.

Love them Home Fundraiser at Chick-fil-A

Come help us love on Big Dave’s family and the orphans in Haiti!

When: Saturday, Feb. 4th ALL DAY

Where: Chick-fil-A, 6051 Sawmill Road

How: We will be collecting donations all day to give to…

Big Dave’s Medical Fund to ease his family’s burden
Finish the orphange Big Dave was working on in Haiti

We hope you can stop by to help continue the work Big Dave has started!!

When you order food, don’t forget to mention “Love them Home” to help a local family adopt two orphans from China.