Last weekend, my wife had one of those days that we all occasionally have. She is not a person that often…okay, EVER complains so when she asked if I could just “listen” for awhile, I knew something was up. She does a great job of recapping what was weighing on her in this post, but it’s safe to say she was feeling like she was missing a purpose in her life. The reaction to her post was remarkable. People left kind words, one special friend brought a jug of sweet tea and our Pastor’s wife asked if she could re-post it.  All that to say, guys…this is something we need to be aware of. I am going to go on the sword here and say that I am NOT good at recognizing this. It’s not that I don’t have massive amounts of respect for all that my lovely bride does and who she is, it’s that I don’t often express it.

Shame on me.

After she shared her heart with me, I tried to put in to words that basically, because of WHO she is and ALL that she does, I am able to be who I am and do all that I do. She is the CEO, CFO, Accounting and Human Resource Manager for the Conrad household. One small example is I don’t have the first clue how much we pay for groceries each month. I don’t know how much our gas, electric, cable, or water bill is. If you ask me to do something this weekend, I’d have to check with her. I don’t know our schedule. Without her…I am LOST! Literally.

Far more important, she is shepherding our kids hearts. Each morning she carves out time before school to do devotions with them. Any credit we get for great kids goes straight to my wife. THAT much I am sure of. Last, and certainly not least, I am thankful for the “Easy Silence” she creates for me. I got that phrase from the great philosophers “The Dixie Chicks”.

In the easy silence that you make for me
It’s okay when there’s nothing more to say to me
In the peaceful quiet you create for me
And the way you keep the world at bay for me
The way you keep the world at bay

Her ability to “keep the world at bay for me” is remarkable. Like most, I work in a volatile, stressful, ever changing, never resting position. It’s no coincidence a majority of my co-workers and I are popping Nexium and blood pressure medicine every morning. We run a pretty crazy pace working for wall street. It’s chaotic and makes all that she does even more important. She keeps the world at bay. She allows for me to be a father to my kids and a husband to her because details have all been taken care of. It takes someone special and I am married to that someone. I really need to say it more often.