I’ve told you about my huge admiration for Bob Goff and this book more than once. In case you missed it, you can read my full review (HERE). This book continues to just mold and shape me long after that review. Something happens at least once a week that reminds me of things I read in the book. I’ve told countless people about it and even got a few to read it too. I won’t stop talking about it. I won’t stop buying it for friends and sharing it as a gift. I have a firm belief it will change peoples perception and lives one book at a time. I’ve read it. My wife has read it. My Dad has read it. My Father-in-law has read it. My sister is reading it. My friends have read it. My Pastor is reading it.

That is why I was THRILLED to read this tonight:

How about them apples? I’m thrilled for Bob Goff. I’m thrilled for my friends at Thomas Nelson. I hope this book continues to climb the charts so others will pick up a copy for themselves. Congratulations Bob. Congratulations Thomas Nelson and everyone that made “Love Does” possible!

So….have you read it yet?