Tomorrow morning the page will turn on another year older. Quite honestly I can’t believe I’ll be hitting the big four two. That means I will have lived long enough to have reached the legal drinking age….twice. It honestly seemed like yesterday that I reached that milestone age of 21. While my body has logged the miles, my maturity has never, ever grown up. Just ask my wife.

So what do you wish when you blow out the candles? What could I possible ask for? I’ve lived a crazy blessed life. As Jason Aldean sings:

I had an all-american mom and dad
Some of the coolest friends you could ever have
Found love I thought I’d never find
Sometimes I can’t believe this life in mine

I can’t think of better words to say it. I’ve got a bride that loves me despite my many flaws. I have three children that have forever changed my life. The word “proud” can’t even describe how I feel for each one of them. I am blessed. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t realize that. So what do you wish? What do you ask for?

While I’ve lived a CRAZY full life the last 15,330 days, I do have one wish for the next 365 (or however many I have left). Bob Goff put it better than I ever could hope to:

I get the invitation every morning when I wake up to actually live a life of complete engagement, a life of whimsy, a life where love does. It doesn’t come in an envelope. It’s ushered in by a sunrise, the sound of a bird, or the smell of coffee drifting lazily from the kitchen. It’s the invitation to actually live, to fully participate in this amazing life for one more day. Nobody turns down an invitation to the White House, but I’ve seen plenty of people turn down an invitation to fully live.

-From the book “Love Does

I want to live the days of my life like that. I want to wake up every morning and accept that invitation to fully live. I want to live a life where love does. I want others to live that life. That’s my wish and I hope it’s yours too.