I recently took on a task that is long overdue. The details aren’t really important as I like to keep a separation of work and personal, but I needed two twitter accounts. I was an “early adopter” of twitter so the account I have used for several years has been well established. There are a healthy number of tweets and follows and people I am following. It is a far better account to use for the “corporate” use than starting all over. I’ve never been a big stat watcher so starting over on a personal account isn’t a real big deal.

Or so I thought…..

If I’m 100% honest, I had this brief moment of anxiety when I realized that if some of the followers from the old account don’t follow the new account, they might miss something I tweet. It was brief, but it was there. I communicated out the new information through social media and people were kind enough to transition with me. But after a few minutes, I had this “moment” that I started to process. It was uncomfortable to say the least.

Luke 9:23
Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

Matthew 4:22
and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.

See a patter here? While these guys didn’t have twitter (that I know of), they left things that were far more important. Jesus asked them to take up a cross. Forget self. Forget the priorities. Make Him the priority. Follow Him.

If you’re a user of twitter, could you honestly follow only Jesus if he had an account? Would you be okay with no followers? Would He be enough for you to use twitter only to catch the words He might say? These were the questions that ran through my mind. I love twitter. I love the conversation. I love the connections. I see tremendous value in using it wisely. I have friendships that would have never happened if not for twitter. The tension came when I briefly flirted with anxiety over the numbers. Here’s my takeaway:

Forget your follower count.

Forget finding your value from how many people “follow you”.

Find your value in following the One that matters most.

Take up your cross.

Follow Him.