I don’t know that I’ve ever been more excited about flipping the page on a calendar date as I am for tomorrow. The response to my 30 Days Prayer Challenge this week has been incredible. The creativity of others as we prepare for this journey has been inspiring. We’ve got accountability groups, mens groups, church groups and individuals in cities across the United States committed to these next 30 Days. How cool is that? Even a good friend in London will be taking part. So we’re officially “international”. Two simple words….

Thank you.

This isn’t about me, my blog, twitter, Facebook. This is about trusting God at His word. It’s about creating a space and inviting Him into our daily lives. It’s about placing our thoughts, our day and our struggles in His mighty hands for 30 Days. It’s about worship. A friend tweeted out the picture above last night. I loved his quote:

The quickest way to write something on your heart is to write it with your hands

So good. Thank you all for joining me on this journey. I cannot wait to see what develops!

If you haven’t committed to joining over the next 30 days, you can get all of the details (HERE).