I don’t remember the exact date, but at some point in the last few weeks I had this wild idea. This isn’t really a big news flash because I have lots of these kinds of moments (just ask my wife). Most of them never make it out of my head let alone become something I can act upon. The idea was to throw out a challenge and see if I could find a few friends to accept it. Together we would pray over the same prayer for 30 days. It’s a simple prayer but one that covers just about everything you could imagine. It’s a prayer that creates space for God to speak in a number of ways.

And that is exactly what He has done….

I sit here tonight absolutely humbled and in awe of what is happening. More than a few friends accepted the challenge. Our community has grown a little more each day. We are seeing stories of God changing hearts, changing perspective and creating even further challenges. Friends this has nothing to do with me. This started as a whisper. It was a nudge to create space for God to be God. I honestly believe His Word when it says:

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Thank you all for accepting the challenge. Thank you for being obedient and following through. We’re only on Day 3 and I can’t wait to see what happens next. If you haven’t joined us, please don’t feel like it’s too late. You can join any time. Any time! Again, this has nothing to do with this blog, or statistics or some personal gain. This is about a community that is forming that I see moving together far beyond these next 27 days. Thank you all. I’m humbled to share this journey with you. Get all of the details for the 30 Days Prayer (HERE).