Each day as I read over the 30 Days Prayer, a new sentence seems to jump out at me. I actually have come to expect this from the few minutes I spend reading it. It’s almost like a “theme for the day”. Todays theme was simple – “Show me where the larger story is unfolding”. I carried that thought with me to an appointment this morning. The meeting was relatively uneventful but again, maybe there’s a larger story unfolding. As I walked to my car, I read through my emails on my phone and noticed I had a blogger assignment from my friends at Compassion International.

I am so honored to participate with other bloggers in Blog Month for Compassion. I’ve been waiting for my first assignment so the excitement of receiving it took some of the sting out of the meeting I was leaving. It also brought perspective. It showed me a larger story. Be careful what you pray for because you just might get it….

I might not have a job, but I have hope.

I’m currently unemployed but we’ve got food in the pantry and means to still provide.

I don’t have a 9 to 5er, but I can walk my kids to school every morning and pick them up in the afternoon.

They have schools. We have “stuff”. We are blessed beyond measure.

There are others that are not as fortunate. Thus the larger story for today. Would you consider taking a few minutes and visiting the Compassion International Sponsor a Child Landing page? I promise there are no strings attached (unless a heart string gets pulled). You can simply visit the page.

See the faces.

Pray over them.

Pray for their protection

Pray for a sponsor for each one.

If you feel so moved, the information and resources are available to also sponsor a child. I promised no strings attached so you are in no way committed. I’m just making the ask for you to visit and commit to praying for these children. That’s all. The goal of the Compassion International Bloggers is to see 3,108 children find sponsorship. That’s a lofty goal but God is a big God. If you make the click over, thanks for doing so.

Visit the Compassion Sponsorship Page (HERE)

“Show me where the larger story is unfolding….” -30 Days Prayer (John Eldredge)