Do you use Pinterest? To be honest, I have an account but don’t really use it. However as part of the “Blog Month for Compassion” I have an exciting contest to pass along. Check this out:

This is how it’ll work.

    1. Create a Pinterest board titled “My Sponsored Child.”
    2. On the board you create,

Pin this image to your “My Sponsored Child” board

    • pin the image in this post and associate the following link with the pin:
    • pin any one of the following and tag this second pin with #mysponsoredchild.
      • A photo of you and your sponsored child together.
      • A photo of you with a letter from your sponsored child.
      • A photo of you holding a photo of your sponsored child.
    • pin anything else you want that is relevant to your sponsored child or Compassion.

Once you have created your board, share the URL with us, along with your contact information, using the form at the end of this blog post.

You will receive one contest entry for every repin your “Pin It for My Sponsored Child” pin receives.

You can also enter the contest by sponsoring a child via during the contest period. You will receive 30 contest entries for each child you sponsor.

All winners will be chosen randomly.

Ten separate sponsors will win a $25 gift for their sponsored child.
Five separate sponsors will win a $100 gift for their sponsored child’s family.

The contest runs from Sept. 17 to 23, 2012.

Now, go forth and pin!

Pretty cool eh? What is even better to report is that in two weeks 1,515 children in poverty have been sponsored this month! Let’s press on so 1,593 more children can be released from poverty. There are two weeks remaining in this campaign. Trusting God for great things!

Courtesy of Compassion International: