It’s not often that I wear a suit. Actually, I only wear one for funerals and weddings. In a few short hours I will put on a suit and tie, get in the car and attend what is called a “panel interview”. This is the third phase of a process I have been in for a few weeks. The other day I was in the shower and had this thought – “I sure hope there isn’t another interview…because I only have one suit”. True story.

I haven’t done a lot of updating about the ups and downs, of the job search process (believe me there have been several) so I wanted to at least send an update that today represents a strong possibility. Our conversations to this point have gone very well. It appears to be a very good fit with the potential to join a highly respected organization right here in Columbus, Ohio. If nothing else, I am thankful for the opportunity.

So, if you have a few minutes around 1:00 today, I would appreciate your prayers. One of the biggest things I have asked for throughout this process is a chance. Nothing more, nothing less. Today I have just that. It’s an opportunity to see if there is a potential match for both of us.

My life

My plans

My heart

It’s all yours God

My dreams

My fears

My family

My career

It’s You I want to live for.

(From Steal My Show by Toby Mac)

Stay tuned…..