Things are getting interesting. The title says it all. With that said, I need to take a quick minute and say “thank you” to all those that have prayed, text, called, emailed, twittered and facebooked (is that even a word?). When I walked out of that interview last Friday, my phone was “blowin’ up” with notifications from all forms of social media and connectivity. I can’t begin to express how that felt. It was as if I could see hands all around the mat which carries me through this journey. In all sincerity, thank you.

I’ve been asked several times how it went on Friday. As best I can tell, it went well. You never know what the people on the other side of the table are looking for as they ask questions. I can say that I felt confident and know that I “left it all on the field” as they say. Now we wait. We didn’t discuss timelines or next steps. It just didn’t seem to be appropriate at any point in our conversation. There might be a perfectly good reason for that….

As I said, things are getting interesting. I can’t disclose details, but I love this part of the process. I love the “kite in a hurricane” approach to pursuing the next right steps. Each day I find a new stone to place my foot on as we cross this creek. Each time I am blessed to find solid footing. It really has been exciting. The ingredients are all there for this to possibly be a very big week. Then again, it might not and I’m okay with that. I’ve learned patience and trust. Those are two words that were not in my vocabulary a year ago. Buckle up and stay tuned friends. We’re just getting warmed up!

If a prayers ultimate intent is to fulfill God’s will, we can move with confidence, even if God doesn’t answer that prayer the way we expect. The more closely we reflect God’s heart in our prayers, the more often our requests will match His response. – Erwin McManus (Chasing Daylight: Seize the Power of Every Moment)