Wow, where did the last 9 years go? It seems like just yesterday my wife and I were loading up a moving truck and leaving Cleveland for Columbus, Ohio. Our only reason for moving was the hope that a substitute position at The Ohio School for the Deaf would lead to a full-time position for her. There were no guarantees. I just knew that once they met her, they would see what an unbelievable addition she would be to their staff. Sure enough, it didn’t take long and she was officially a full-time teacher.

Then “The Boy” came. Then Princess #1 came. Before you know it, we were a family of 4 (soon to be 5) and my brides desire to be a Mom was outweighing her desire to be a teacher. My income had reached a level that allowed her to stay home and her 9 year vacation began. After I type that, and having done the stay-at-home thing, I’m pretty sure it’s NOT called a vacation. No matter what it’s called, for the last 9 years, Heather has dedicated her days to investing in the lives of our three children. I’ve said it 100 times, but all credit for who they are goes directly to her. Her sacrifice of her career is the foundation laid for all three of our kids.

2 months ago, we were on a “date night” just before she left for Honduras. As we talked over dinner, she shared that there was a stirring in her heart to possibly return to teaching. Before we left the restaurant that night, we committed to doing what we needed to do to make it happen. The kids are older now and, though she loves investing in others throughout the day, her heart was to invest in the lives of kids. Little did we know what was coming next. On August 15th, my position was eliminated. Changes were sure to follow.

Remarkably, 2 visits to The Ohio School for the Deaf resulted in a long term substitute position which began this morning. There is no mistaking Gods provision here. This really has nothing to do with my employment situation (yet). This is about a stirring in her heart and God answering with a position in the place she was made for. It will also give her a “glimpse” to see if she would like to once again return full-time. What an absolute blessing.

I hope to have an employment announcement very soon. Heather’s return to teaching will no doubt help with what may be coming for me as well. We are so thankful for the provision and God going before us. I’m so proud of my wife for following the prompting on her heart. Each next right step leads to a much larger vision once again. More to come.

Stay tuned…..