I was going to wait, but I just can’t hold it in any longer. Remarkably, I have been asked to be a part of very cool project from the team at I Am Second. From the very first time I saw the Brian Welch I Am Second video, I have been hooked. This is a movement that is making a difference in so many peoples lives. If you haven’t spent some time watching the catalog of powerful videos, you really should.

Starting November 9th, I will be joining 14 other bloggers to blog 60-days-of-Living-Second. I cannot begin to tell you all how honored I am to do this. Not only will I join 14 other amazing bloggers, but I was asked to “bat leadoff” and kick start the entire project! This morning I sent my four draft posts in and I can’t wait to read what others share as well. We are using the soon-to-be-released “Live Second: 365 Ways to Make Jesus First” daily devotional book as our guide. My posts will be featured on the I Am Second Blog from November 9th – November 12th. It’s still unbelievable even as I type it.

I’ll share my posts here on the blog the same days that they are featured on the I Am Second blog. It all gets started November 9th. Forgive me for jumping the gun a few days early. I just couldn’t wait to share the news.

More to come soon!