Powerful, powerful service yesterday. Pastor Chad was back in the saddle preaching and kicked off a short 2 weeks series called “Found Favor”. Once again I was amazed at what God is doing in this city. We pulled into the parking lot just before the first service got out to see it filled. As we walked towards the Lennox, car after car had the familiar Rock City decal on the window. I had to smile and wonder what people that simply come for a movie think when they go on Sunday mornings.

Once again the 10:45am service was packed. For the third week we were doing what we could to find groups of seats to accommodate those that came a bit later. The energy for worship was so powerful. The worship team concluded their set with a song that had one simple lyric….”Hallelujah”. Over and over they sang that word and the spirit could not be missed. I scanned the crowd to see people with arms raised, tears, heads bowed. I wondered what God thinks when He observes our moments of worship. It was one of the most powerful moments I can remember in the time I have been at Rock City.

Found Favor kicked off with a bang as well. Pastor Chad delivered a strong reminder of Gods presence and favor in our lives. This wasn’t a prosperity gospel message by any means. It was a reminder that the favor of God doesn’t always equal easy or understanding. From where I sat, I could hear one person weeping from emotion. I have a feeling he was not alone.

The highlight of the morning was our One for One contribution to Asia’s Hope. For the month of October and November we have been setting aside one dollar for every man, woman and child that walks through our doors for local and global adoption efforts. Yesterday we handed Asia’s Hope a check for $4200 from One for One. Because people showed up, because they filled a seat, an entire college education will now be paid for. So simple. We are changing the score just by being obedient and attending a service. Proud of you Rock City!

We close out the Found Favor series this coming Sunday. There are several great serving opportunities coming in the weeks ahead as we prepare for Christmas. I cannot wait to walk the road of Hope with each of you this holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for.