552840_10200997651044941_1867340458_nFreakin Bruno Mars. That’s all I can say. I actually think he’s brilliant, but the other day I wanted to call him a few other things. It’s his fault I found myself in the floral department of a local store. Seriously. His most recent hit “When I Was Your Man” hit me like a wet fish one day. I’m driving along, minding my own business and I hear (over and over…)

I shoulda bought you flowers.
I shoulda held your hand
Gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party
Cause I remember how much you love to dance.
Do all the things I SHOULDA done
When I was your man.

Darn you Bruno Mars! Next thing I know, I am overwhelmed with guilt. When was the last time I bought flowers? When was the last time I simply held her hand?  Gave her my hours? Took her to a party to dance…..wait, I draw the line there. I dance like a carp so that ain’t gonna happen.


I’m in no way bragging here. Hopefully I am “Bruno Marsing” any guys that might read this. If you’re like me, you just get comfortable. When I was dating my lovely bride I was all about flowers. I put on a full court press in order to impress her. If I’m really honest I haven’t done those little things in a long time. I was reminded that If we’re not careful, we can just become roommates and end up singing the words of Bruno Mars. Thankfully Mrs Heather is full of grace. She’s full of love enough for both of us. Sadly she shouldn’t have to be. It took Bruno Mars to remind me I need to carry my weight and show her more often. Even if it’s just flowers.

How we doing guys? Are you still her man? Are you still the one she fell in love with? Are you still the one that did all the things you used to do to impress her? Let’s hold each other accountable. Let’s be those kinda men.

Or keep hatin’ on Bruno Mars….