
Let me apologize for that visual you might have gotten from the title. Trust me, this streak will be fully clothed. I don’t even run in those little “Bill Clinton” shorts. I think this little gimmick idea caught my eye because I know I need to get active again. I’ve tried the past month or so to get the old running motor started but it just hasn’t been consistent. After months of physical and maybe even mental setbacks, running and I were no longer friends. So why am I doing this little streak thing? Several reasons.

1. You’ve gotta start somewhere and a mile a day is totally doable.

2. I can even get a mile just jogging the dog around the block

3. I need the mental concrete therapy more than ever before.

4. This gives me something to shoot for without signing up for a race.

5. I can’t make excuses because I’ll be on vacation June 1 – June 9.

6. I’ll be running my mile a day in Gods Country (North Carolina) for 7 straight days!

7. June 2nd I’ll run my mile at Mecca (University of North Carolina).

8. I’ll do it with a community of other people who are doing the same thing.

So….you in?

You’ve still got time on this Memorial Day to get started. Walk it if you want to. You can do this. Trust me, I am wicked out of running shape. But you gotta start somewhere. Give it a shot.

I won’t be “that guy” and tweet every day how far I ran. So if you’re curious, you can keep tabs on the progress at Daily Mile (HERE).

Link up with me there, leave a comment on this post, or on Facebook or on twitter.

Looking forward to streaking with you all.