
So the last post was admittedly a bit heavy. Let’s focus on something much more pleasant shall we? Tomorrow evening “the boy” and I are headed to my hometown to once again cheer on our Cleveland Indians. In trips past, we’ve gone to the Social Media Suite and watched the Tribe. This time, we’ve got an added incentive. You see, we’ve been on a season-long quest to obtain the one of a kind holy grail for the Tribe fan.

That’s right….we’re getting “Brohio” T-shirts!

The invitation came last weekend via email. After both of us begged my wife to go, we locked in our reservation. For the last week, it’s pretty much all we have talked about. It doesn’t take much, honestly. What makes this even sweeter is that the Indians are in the midst of an October push and at the time of this writing only a half game out of the last wild card spot. Nothing like meaningful baseball in “the 216.”  We’ve got a full schedule before the game even kicks off. Check it out:

Pick up wristband at the entrance to the Budweiser Patio

Get Brohio t-shirt

Buffet opens and remains opened until the 3rd Inning on the Budweiser Patio

Hang with Indians player Mike Aviles and Indians Assistant GM Mike Chernoff

Raffle with autographed memorabilia and Social Suite tickets

Settle into our seats at the Budweiser Patio for the Indians and Astros

The current weather is calling for rain, but if we get all of the above accomplished before the first pitch, I’d say it was worth the trip. Actually, 4-5 hours in the car with “the boy” is worth the trip. Even if there were no t-shirts, buffets, Indians players or ball games, the time together with my son is the real “win” tomorrow night. Introducing him to my hometown is an added bonus as well.

If you’re watching the game tomorrow, cheer for someone to pull a ball just foul of the right field foul line. Then look for 2 fans in Brohio T-shirts diving to make the catch. Thank you Indians in advance for what is sure to be another memorable night at the corner of Carnegie and Ontario. Go Tribe!
