422316_10151011915398449_1299371892_nIn July of 2012, my wife answered the call to go on her first mission trip. She said “yes” to the invitation to go to Honduras and be the hands and feet of Christ. She said “yes” to working to build homes, and to spread a message of hope to those that need it most. From the moment she arrived, she felt right at home. It was no surprise that when an opportunity to return was announced, she would say “yes” again.

Our finances aren’t quite what they used to be so she would need to once again look to others for support. How all of that came together is worthy of a post all it’s own (she actually wrote about it HERE). Long story short, it all came together and on Saturday she will board a plane headed back to Honduras.

If you follow her on facebook, she’s been counting down the days and sending out prayer requests leading up to her trip. Below is a quick prayer guide for the time that she will be gone next week. She leaves on Saturday and returns the following Sunday. To all that supported her funding for the trip, words cannot begin to cover our gratitude. We would covet your prayers while she is gone as well. I’m so proud of her for being willing to “follow Christ into the homes of the broken and follow Christ into the world.”

Saturday – Pray for safe travels to Atlanta and to Tegucigalpa.

Sunday – Pray for the Honduras workers, the bus drivers and the ministry staff.

Monday – Pray for the interpreters from the city on their mission trip.

Tuesday – Pray for clear communications of the gospel message

Wednesday – Pray for each of the women on the team.

Thursday – Pray for each of the men on the team.

Friday – Pray for the people of Choluteca, Honduras and their willingness to see Jesus and receive Jesus.

Saturday – Pray for the families and loved ones of the team back home.

Sunday – Pray for the team as they say goodbye to Honduras and protection as they return home.

You can download the prayer guide here –  (PrayerGuide)
