mariano-riveraYesterday I happened to catch the exceptional documentary on Mariano Rivera called “Being: Mariano.” If you missed it, it will be on again October 22nd at 8:30pm on FOXsports. I highly recommend it. At some point during the show, he said the oddest thing. I hit rewind on the DVR, listened to it again and again and again. Then I tweeted it and 6 people retweeted it and 2 favorited it. Apparently I wasn’t the only one that found this statement so interesting.

This little quote has done a number to me the past 24 hours. So you’re telling me that the greatest closer in the history of Major League Baseball is doing something that he “likes” but doesn’t love? Then you’re telling me that he believes that God chose him to play baseball and not the sport he really loves? Then you are also saying that he doesn’t just play this sport, he’s the greatest to ever play that sport at the position he played. He just likes it, but loves something else. But he’s the best and God chose him to do that.


I had to hit pause on all I have ever assumed or thought I knew about God and me and doing what I love for a minute. Could Mariano Rivera (who I have massive amounts of respect for) be right? Could he have just closed out a Hall of Fame career doing something that God chose him to do, even though it’s not what he loved but just liked? Could it be that God may chose us to do something we only “like” but don’t love and it turns out to be the thing that we are possibly better at than anyone else….ever?


This is the oddest thing I have ever heard and yet there is something so rich and true and real about it that I can’t stop pondering it. I think I’ve spent a majority of my life chasing opportunities that I love because I thought that is how God wired me so it must be where I’m supposed to be. I’ve lost/left positions where I was doing something I absolutely loved and figured that is where I was supposed to be. It fit like a “hand in a glove.” Now this comes along and changes things. What if the thing we’re supposed to be doing and the thing that God chose us to do, we just “like?” What if that is where He is going to do His greatest work in us? What if that is where we will leave our greatest impact and legacy?

I’ve always thought that we leave our impact and legacy doing what we love to do. The oddest thing is that it might actually be doing what God chose us to do and we just like. Even if we love to do something else.

Thank you Mariano. Thank you for playing the game the right way. Thank you for leaving a legacy far beyond cutters and fastballs. Thank you for being the greatest at something you just “liked.” This game and this world is a better place because 42 played the game that God chose you to play and you just “liked.”