turkey-trot21About 5 years ago, my wife and I ran our first 4-miler on a Thanksgiving morning. I guess in some way, it made us feel a little less guilty for the food we would later consume that afternoon. Over the years, other friends have joined us and most recently, our kids have joined in. With finances not being what they used to be the past few years, we noted that the cost for these little races could reach as much as $200 for the entire family.

It was time to rethink Thanksgiving morning.

The past 2 years, we’ve mapped out a course around the house, made our own bibs and knocked out a little 3 miles around the neighborhood. Now before you think we’re out there timing ourselves and competing, Princess 2.0 usually rode her bike. There may have also been some walking involved. It’s not competitive. It’s time together.

So why keep all the fun to ourselves? 

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This year we thought we would extend the offer to anyone that would like to join us. This is a no frills, no expectations event. There will be no time (unless you want to time yourself with a watch), no banners or inflated finish line. We’ll still have a good time though. This is a B.Y.O.B event. What that means is BRING YOUR OWN BIB! Get creative. Have fun. There’s an example of what we made one year to the left.

We’ll kick off at Norwich Elementary School in Hilliard at 8:30am on Thanksgiving morning. You can park and leave your car there. From Norwich, we’ll go west on Davidson to Avery, make a right, go down Avery about 1/2 mile and then loop back. The sidewalk along Davidson and Avery is double wide so there is plenty of room. Here’s a course map:

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Now before you dismiss this as needing to be something you have trained for, this is a run/walk/crawl/bike event. No expectations. No training necessary. We’d rather spend the morning with friends walking than not have you attend. It’s about the time together and not the time on some clock.

Interested? Below you will find a quick attachment with all of the details. You can also email me to confirm or for questions. This is a very fluid event so details will continue to be added (we’ll have bottled water there for example). Feel free to add other ideas as well (treats for the finish line for example). We’d love to see you and your family Thanksgiving morning. Spread the word. Join us won’t you?

Official Details: Free Family Turkey Trot

*UPDATE 11/8 – Incredible response!! We’ve already had 10-15 families confirm for an estimated 50-75 people. WOW!! This is going to be fun. Please consider joining us. There are great ideas being shared too. This will be a Thanksgiving morning to remember. See you then!!

**UPDATE 11/12 – WOW. Just, Wow. We continue to hear from families that will join us Thanksgiving morning. The response has been overwhelming. I can’t tell you what it means to know we will kick off Thanksgiving with so many families and friends. I can’t thank you enough for spreading the word. We have had a recommendation that we accept canned food items from those that would like to bring them for a local charity, ministry or food pantry. To that I say ABSOLUTELY!! If you would like to bring a canned food item or items, Heather and I will gather them all together and deliver them where they will best be used. Great idea. I love the creativity of this community. Should there be no other updates, we’ll see you Thanksgiving morning at 8:30am!