tumblr_mhgrqvEuMR1rkzs49o1_1280A couple of years ago I was on a volunteer leadership team with a couple of other men. Over the course of our monthly meetings, we became like brothers. Together we would make decisions and pray for one another. Time, circumstances and other things would soon cause that leadership team to transition to other members. Although our time on that team came to an end, I look so fondly on that season and opportunity to link arms with those other men. The friendship remains.

Over the past several months, one of the men from that group and I have been walking out transitions in our own lives. Mainly over text and the phone, we have kept constant tabs on one another and our faith. I’ve introduced him to online streaming from Cross Point Church (which he also visited a few months ago while in Nashville) and he has introduced me to some other men of faith and invited me to join his weekly accountability group with another friend. I can’t say enough about how much that has meant in a season of wrestling with all things faith related.

This week my son started his career in 7th grade basketball. I had forgotten that my friend (along with several others) had requested a copy of his schedule. My sons first game was Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning I got a text asking how the game went from my friend. As we exchanged conversation over text, he said that he was going to be at his away game on Thursday night. Sure enough, just before tipoff last night, my friend walked into the gym. This may all seem small, but to me, it is huge and here’s why.

A mark of true friendship is when others become interested in what you are interested in. When others take an active interest in what they know is important to you, they are invested. Sending that text on Wednesday and walking in that gym last night, were evidence that my friend is invested. Not that I needed either of those to know that, but they were further reminders. Great reminders.

“If you are a sincere friend, folks around you will quickly understand that there’s no hidden agenda and nothing on the other side of the equals sign–just you.”

(Bob Goff – Love Does)

Last night I sat with a friend and watched my son play basketball. My family is one of the most important things in my life. To have a friend recognize that and make it a priority too is so rich to me. No agenda. Nothing on the other side of the equal sign. I can say the same for the people that showed up for our crazy Free Family Turkey Trot (and those that said they wished they could but had other plans). They took an active interest in something that was important to a friend. I only hope that I do the same. Sadly, I think I may fall way short on this ledger.

As we enter this holiday season, take a minute to think of those friends in your life with nothing on the other side of that equals sign. Consider those that take an active interest in what they know is important to you. Take a minute and honor them with a text, call, email or card.

Thank you to each of you that are that friend to me.