photo (1)It is no breaking news that I love me some music. It fills my office, car, home and ear buds. I get a little stir crazy in silence so music fills the gap. It is therapy on a long run. It’s a companion on a long drive. It fans the flame of my inner thought process. I love me some music and 2013 was a big year for music. While I have some constants that are my favorite artists (Eric Church), my iPod is a wide variety of music and genres. I also have three children under the age of 13 so you’ll find what they are listening to on my playlists (Taylor Swift).

After much thought and deliberation, I have come to my decision for my song O’ the year. Just for kicks, I announced that yesterday around the lunch table. I gave each child a guess as to what that song might be. Here were their responses….

The Boy – “Berzerk (Eminem) or Holy Grail (Jay Z)”

Princess 2.0 – “A Jesus Song?” I’m guessing she meant “Oceans” (Hillsong)

Princess 1.0 – “Bruno Mars” (When I Was Your Man).

All good guesses. All could have made the list or top 10. But at the end of the day, the song below was just too brilliant. JT brought it in 2013 didn’t he? My choice for 2013 Song O’ the Year is “Mirrors”.

If you ever feel alone and
The glare makes me hard to find
Just know that I’m always
Parallel on the other side


The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold

Also Brilliant.

Show me how to fight for now

Beyond Brilliant.

Your Turn. What was your favorite song of 2013?