photo (2)Last night as the snow fell, I climbed into bed for a good nights rest. From our room upstairs, I heard my text notification in my office downstairs. Given that the hour was late, I figured I better give it a quick glance. When I read the words in the image in this post, it stung. The text was from a former co-worker that has become a close friend. I hurt for him. I’m mad for him. We’re 9 days in to a new year. We’re 9 days in to fresh starts and new beginnings. This is not what I would hope for any friend.

I immediately called my friend and we talked through what he believes is going to take place. He believes there is a large reduction in workforce coming and his name is on that list. Today as I prayed for my friend, I got wrapped around the words “getting let go.” I too have been let go. Twice in the past year and a half as a matter of fact. Discarded. Released. No longer needed. It stings no matter the situation, no matter the purpose.

By the end of the call, we were dreaming of how positive this will be for him. Rather than look at it as a tough way to start a new year, we chose to look at it as a fresh canvas for the year ahead. We’re hopeful he’ll have severance to offer a net as he begins to write a new story. A better story. When we get let go in life we have 2 choices –

We can be bitter

We can be better

Getting let go hurts and there is no shame in allowing that wound to heal. There comes a point when we must choose to allow this to make us bitter or to step into something better. My friend will step into something better. He is bright, outgoing and has much to offer. I have no doubt he will soon find a position and will excel at whatever he choses. 2014 will be a defining year for him on so many positive levels. He will choose better, not bitter.

How about you? Are you recovering from being “let go” from something or someone? After the wound heals, lets commit to choosing better not bitter.

Be Brave.