Make_a_ListI don’t know about you all, but I am just about done with this Polar Vortex noise. The sub zero temperature “High” for the day and the barrage of snow is just draining. This is coming from a guy that grew up in Cleveland! This morning I was reminded that spring is coming. No, really, it is coming. This current struggle will only last for a season. Before you know it the temperatures will rise and we will be off on vacations and summer fun. So what’s the bridge between now and then? Here’s a quick suggestion:

Write down 10 memories that make you smile.

It shouldn’t take too long. Do it when you get done reading this post. Take a few minutes and write down 10 of the sweetest days in your life so far. Here’s a peak at a few of mine.

  • The days my kids were baptized
  • Sitting in an old blue chair on the beaches of OBX
  • Flying a kite with my youngest child in OBX
  • Our wedding day

You’ve got a list too. You’ve got memories that get put in a box and the weight of each days stress and events pile on top of it. Take a few minutes today and write them down. Keep that list handy and refer to it often. Before you know it you will be thinking of better days and not so much about how the furnace has been running non-stop for 3 weeks (it’s running even as I type this).

As a side note, if you’re a person of faith, this is a good practice to place in your devotional life as well. Keep a journal of all of those times you have seen the unmistakable hand of God in your life. When the storms come, it will be the survival guide and reminder that He is faithful and He is in control.

Spring is coming. I promise, spring is coming.
