
So here we are. Seven days of pressing pause during the week of Easter to reflect on the grace that was poured out on Good Friday and the hope of Easter Sunday. How do you wrap this up? How do you put a bow on all that we’ve walked through, thought through, examined and reflected upon? What is the anchor you drop? As I have said throughout this week, I’m certainly no expert on grace. I’ve walked this journey with each of you this week. Actually, you’ve walked it with me and for that I thank you.

Tonight as I was winding down from an incredibly beautiful day in Columbus, I thought more about this post. I thought more about what to say, how to say it and how to wrap it all up. It was then when something so simple came to me.

“Live it.”

As I unpacked those two words a bit, I think what it means is that if we don’t accept the grace we’ve been given and live it out each day, it doesn’t mean much. It’s like the tree that falls in the forest. Imagine if we all accepted the grace we’ve been given and lived it out to those we impact each day. Imagine if our words and our actions were grace giving. I can think of no better way to honor the gift of grace than to give it away.

Today we celebrate a risen savior that is very much alive and interceding for each one of us. Today we celebrate a grace we’ll never fully understand this side of heaven. Let’s do our best to walk out that grace as our way of saying “thank you” to the one that paid it all.

Christ is risen.

Amazing grace.

If you made it to a church service or not this morning, take a few minutes and set up camp around this song. It says it all.