
When I kicked off 2014, I challenged myself and this blog to #BeBrave. It’s amazing how time and the busyness of life can take our goals and change the order of things. It’s not that I have not continued to make being brave my focus, it just hasn’t always been my “go to” strategy. I’ve said it many times but I’m never sure who really reads the words I put on the web. I’ve never been a stat watcher and I don’t do this for “hits” or to break any records. I am always blessed to hear that someone found something of value in words that I might say.

This week I have been reminded and inspired by YOU.

On Monday, a High School friend wrote a post that he is launching a 30 Day Challenge to #BeBrave. What shocked me was that he referenced my challenge at the beginning of the year. I am humbled beyond words. I am so proud of Darren. I don’t know the full details of his 30 Day Challenge, but I know I believe in him. I know he will crush whatever he puts his mind to. He always has.

On Wednesday night, I was “tagged” on another post on facebook from a friend. Her post told the story of her daughter facing a fear she had and how she grasp the challenge to #BeBrave. Again, I am so humbled. It’s not about me. It’s about stepping out and facing fear to see that there is so much freedom that awaits. I’m so proud of my friend and her daughter. I can’t wait to hear how she continues to grow more brave and accept new challenges.

Last but not least, tomorrow morning a good friend of mine will board a plane for El Salvador. Several months ago he accepted a call to join a mission team at his church. Over the last few months it has been incredible to see his excitement about this opportunity. Tomorrow morning he will live out the #BeBrave challenge. But the story really starts over a year ago. He and his family found a church home that has absolutely changed his life. Over the last 12 months or so I have seen an incredible transformation in his life. I don’t know that I’ve met many guys that are more generous with their time and full of life. Tomorrow morning he will take all of that and share it with those they will serve in El Salvador.

I mention these three because I’d like to ask you to pray for them. When we step out and choose to #BeBrave, the fears and doubts that kept us from ever stepping out get really loud. Those voices challenge our actions. I’m praying for all three of these friends.

Praying for Darren and his 30 Day Challenge.

Praying for our young friend as she faces past hurt to grow her faith.

Praying for my friend Brad. His safety. Those he will impact. His family back here at home. That God will speak to him in ways he never imagined.

Thank you all for the inspiration.

Thank you all for the reminders to #BeBrave