
I was making my weekly commute to Indianapolis this week and hit a milestone of sorts. Somewhere around Dayton, my odometer hit 110,000 miles. One hundred and ten THOUSAND miles. Wow. I’m always looking for a way to make the time go by so I spent the next 2 hours thinking about the story all of those miles could tell. If they could speak, what would they say? What memories to they have? I know they can’t speak, but it didn’t stop me from thinking about where all those miles have taken me.

Some of the earliest miles came on a trip to Medina when my Dad had a quadruple bypass surgery (he’s doing great now).

It took us to Charlotte when we sold our home in Columbus, put a bid together on a house in Charlotte, pulled the bid in Charlotte and the sale of our house fell through a week later. We never packed a box for that move, but our car drove the miles.

It took us to OBX on a vacation when we could all fit in a 4 door sedan.

It saw the backseat go from 2 booster seats to 1 booster seat and now, no car seats.

It’s held sports equipment from swim bags, bat bags, basketball bags and gymnastics bags.

It’s taken us to half marathons in places like Charlotte, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Dayton, Nashville and of course, Columbus.

It was the scene of “the talk” with the boy on the way to a Jason Aldean concert in Cleveland because I knew I had his attention for at least 2 hours uninterrupted.

It’s been the site of coaching before and after games.

It’s been the site of concerts put on by me on pretty much any drive of distance.

The steering wheel has endured the beating of joy when sports teams won and the anger when they did not.

Sadly, it was my transportation to 2 funerals of close friends that died all too soon.

I’ve laughed harder than I ever thought I would on road trips with my bride in that car.

We’ve solved pretty much all of the problems of the world, dreamed big dreams and let go of others along those many miles.

It’s taken me to meet new friends, connect with old friends and attend a high school reunion I thought I’d never attend.

Some of those miles can be counted as “Be Brave” moments like the 12 hour round trip in a day to Nashville for a worship night that literally restored my soul.

They’ve been my sanctuary and the place I’ve wrestled with God on many occasions.

It was a 3 hours pause when my position was eliminated in Indianapolis a few years ago.

Now it’s my weekly transportation to a different position with a different company….in Indianapolis.

It was a safe place to vent when no where else would work.

I could feed a small army with the number of meals I’ve consumed along those 110,000 miles.

It’s even been Wubzzy’s form of transportation when he needed his nails did.

I could go on and on and on. In some ways I already have. I filled the 2 hours remaining to Indianapolis and the 3 hours returning thinking of all of the places those miles have taken me. It’s funny, I could list so many times those miles led to joy, sadness, hopes, dreams, wins and losses. You know what’s interesting….I can’t come up with one mile that led to regrets. 

I don’t know how many miles this car will continue to roll. I hope its at least another 110,000 (especially because it’s paid off). No matter the number remaining, I’m so thankful for what the current number represents.

It’s been 110,000 unforgettable moments.

What would your miles say?
