Last night a recieved notice that I had been challenged to a “Nice Bucket Challenge” by a facebook friend. I was immediately charged to get this done today. The video below is our journey and some glimpses of what took place. I challege ANYONE that reads this to accept the challenge too. Find someone in need. Deliver something to a hospital. Surprise a neighbor. You have 24 hours. Go. Do. #LoveDoes #BeBrave.


Now the results of those I challenged are starting to come back. First off, Russell Hawkins and his family created some Nice Buckets and distributed them to those in need. He spent the day engaging homeless people with his son right by his side. While what they gave is sure to help those they met, the time spent with his son teaching about caring for those in need is worth so much more. Well done my friend!


Next up is Curt Harding. He created a Nice Bucket for children in a local hospital. The Nice Bucket has no rules and love knows no boundaries. Where can you take one today?



Laura created two Nice Buckets for a local school in need of games and supplies for rainy and cold days. Great ideas. There are endless ways and places to spread this message.


Who else accepts the challenge? More to come….