A few weeks ago I heard my favorite author Bob Goff on the radio. He said that the average amount of people that can fit around a standard hospital bed is eight. He then said “10 if your friends are thin.” He went on to raise the question of who the eight people would be in his life.

And it stuck with me.

The truth is I heard that radio interview on our way to church and I have no idea what our Pastor preached about that morning. The entire service I was still kicking around what Bob Goff had just said.

Eight people.

The last faces you would see before you close your eyes and exit this life.


Ten if they are thin.


What a powerful (and maybe a bit morbid) thought.

Who are the eight people you want around your bed?

Do they know it?

Maybe today is a good time to let them know.

Then spend the time you have before that day investing in one another.

Eight people.

Ten if they are thin.
