In 2017, our family encountered one of those moments you never anticipate or even plan for. We were in uncharted waters. I cannot allow the page to turn to 2018 without sending my heartfelt appreciation to anyone and everyone that works at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

A few years ago I was invited to attend a special tour of the incredible new addition that Nationwide Children’s Hospital was getting ready to grand open. Apparently I was a “blogger of influence” or something so my name came up for this behind the scenes preview. I was honored to attend so I took advantage of the opportunity never thinking one day, I would owe a huge debt of gratitude for this facility saving our daughter’s life.

One day the entire story will be written. One day we will be at a place that allows us to share her story. One day her story will impact lives. We believe it is one of the reasons she walked the journey she did. I can say that today, she is doing so well. She is strong, courageous and there are more hours where we forget that the dark moments were even a part of our lives.

Today is about Nationwide Children’s.

We arrived at this facility thinking it was just another consultation. It was where the path took us. As parents, we were following the stream and this is where it led. We knew what we were dealing with was bigger than us. We had no idea they would tell us what they told us that day. We could never have anticipated the schedule and recommendations they made the day my wife and our daughter arrived in their offices. Complete strangers were recommending we clear our scheduled lives and place the health of our daughter in their hands. The program was drastic, complicated and difficult. There were no shortcuts.

After a huddle around the kitchen table, my wife, my daughter and I decided this was the next right step. I never doubted our daughter. She is a fighter and determined. I knew she would rise. What I didn’t know is that there was a team of caring people that stood along her side and at times, carried her through this journey. They had the map. They knew the way through the troubled waters. They do this every day. My guess is they do this because they love what they do. They have been called to a life of service. Their passion came through each and every time we visited.

While this may appear to be cryptic, I am doing my best to say “thank you” to anyone and everyone from Nationwide Children’s that reads this. I’m not the only one. I’ve talked to so many parents that have needed you and you were there. While the days may seem mundane or tedious, the lives you are forever changing are not. From my family to each of you, thank you. You will forever hold a special place in our hearts. You gave us our daughter back.

A few weeks ago, she competed in her first gymnastics meet of the season. A sport and a season that was in question just a few short months ago. She was beautiful. She is happy. She is home. She is free. She won the award from coaches and teammates for “Gymnast of the Meet.”

The moment was for her.

The award is for you.