I have a confession to make….I should have listened to my wife. I could probably say that a million different times for a million different reasons but todays confession deals with one thing in particular – College. Wait, did I just say that? Wasn’t I just posting about having our first, then second, then third child like a few months ago?

It happened.

I blinked.

Now we’re here. One year away from the first of three going off to college. This is an important summer of showcase tournaments, potential scholarship offers, visits and decisions about the future. And I’m scared to death. I was always the “let’s put that off and talk about it later” kinda guy. My lovely bride wanted to plan early. Early is gone and now we’re racing against the financial clock to prepare. My advice to young parents reading this –

Don’t race against the financial clock to prepare.

One of my favorite parts of my job is making connections. One day an email to a great local company called “College Liftoff” led to a meeting and my confession from above. My new friends at College Liftoff just smiled because they have seen and heard this before. They know what we’re going through and we aren’t alone. I am so glad we were able to create a partnership between College Liftoff and Bo Jackson’s Elite Sports because I want to provide the families that come to our facility that introduction. I want to see them start this conversation long before we did. I know College Liftoff can guide, advise and help.

While I know we waited too long and now we are here, I also know we’re not walking this alone. We have guidance and a partner along the way. I know all three of our children will end up right where they are supposed to be and pursing whatever dreams they have. With all due respect to Drake, if you’re reading this it’s not too late. Don’t just take my word for it, see what other people had to say too (HERE).

So take my advice, listen to your bride and plan ahead. They grow up way too fast.

*Side note, the image above is from The University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. It’s nice to have dreams. It’s also nice to have roughly a 32 on your ACT if you are an out-of-state student with hopes of attending this fine University. On the positive, they pay 100% of need. On the downside, it’s REAL hard to get in from out of state. Plan ahead and accordingly.