I see you travel baseball mom and dad. I’ve been there. You’re currently in that 2-3 week insanity that starts about a week or two before the season ends. Maybe it’s a text or an email. Could be a phone call or a cryptic comment around the fence at the game. “What are YOU doing next year?” I have worked in Senior Leadership at a fortune 500 company and been the Director of Operations for a 114,000 square foot dome. I’ve always said that this was the most stressful 2 weeks of my life. NOTHING compares to this 2 weeks. You become an agent for your travel baseball playing son. It’s insane.

I have news for you…

You’ll make it through it.

I have more news for you….

Just wait until the 18u year.

I tweeted that a week ago. Today I just watched our BJE 2019 team win another tournament. Last year it was about showcasing each player. Now that every player on the team is committed to play at the next level, this year is about staying ready and having fun. I’m not sure who is having more fun – the boys or the parents.

This is the end of the line.

This is the last run through long weekends in the sun.

and I’m gonna miss it.

I’m gonna miss the laughter

I’ll miss the meals and drinks after the games

I’ll miss the inside jokes and cutting up while our boys are playing their hearts out

I’ll miss opening up our home to a family driving a long way to play and spending the weekend in hotels.

I’ll miss the community we’ve developed

I’ll miss this circle of friends

As I thought about this driving home from another successful weekend, I couldn’t help but think of how exciting the next four years will be. While our boys will be competing for various colleges, I will watch each one with great interest. I’ll celebrate their success just as I have this summer and when they played for their various high schools.

What I’ll miss most is knowing that next summer we won’t all be back together again on some field for some tournament. We won’t get to cheer these players on and enjoy the gathering of all of our friends one more time.

There’s 2 more weekends and then we close this chapter. I want to thank the players and kids for giving us so much to cheer for. I want to wish each and every one of you nothing but success as you play in college. I also want to thank you for welcoming in my son to your team and our family into your circle.

It’s been our honor.

It’s been our joy.

It’s what I’ll miss the most.

P.S. Travel dad and mom…… I hope you make it to the day where you know exactly what I mean when you read this. I hope you make it to the same finish line. You will. Give them the best opportunity you can give them, no matter what that is. Enjoy the summers no matter how stressful. They’ll be gone before you know it.