“Everyone has an inner Super hero, patiently reminding us of who we are, what we have already overcome and whispering to us who we want to be.”

Your inner superhero is hiding inside of you, like mine was. My journey has led me to help others to raise the volume of that whisper, find balance, fulfillment and truly live. Come, let your light shine with mine. ~ Coach Jennifer

For 25 years, raising an amazing son with Autism, while navigating a full-time career in the backdrop of childhood trauma, an imperfect marriage and eventual divorce, I discovered my own beauty, strength and resilience within. A natural optimist (glass ½ full person), I survived on minimal sleep, smiled through the pain, practiced gratitude and lived in service to others.

When the world stopped in 2020, this space and time came to me wrapped up as a gift. Small, intentional steps and renewed perspective were all I needed to make big changes and remind me that anything is possible. This was a not a vacation, it was some of the hardest work I ever had to do, but my inner superhero came out to play.

I lacked an overall foundation of self-care. Always an avid exerciser, yet my physical health needed attention. I made a commitment to drink enough water, to eat mindfully and vowed to prioritize 7 hours of sleep. Attainable, yes – but herculean for a single mother of an autistic child, used to running on pure fumes. I exceeded my own goals, with the aid of mindfulness, meditation, journaling and a spiritual practice and reminded myself that the voice and strength of my inner superhero was louder and stronger than the voice of my doubts. I even completed my first 26.2 marathon at age 40 so never underestimate what you are capable of !!

The key to my success and transformational habits was an intentional routine, time and location: My favorite chair for meditation, a sacred spot just for journaling, completed at the same time, same place every day. I discovered unexpected beauty and fell back in love with crochet, cooking, exploring the many Metro and State parks around me. I reflected on the hardest times in life and realized that I didn’t just survive but I thrived.

My inner superhero was many years in the making, silently championing everything life presented me with related to my son & Autism, the joy of raising an incredible daughter, years of Girl scouts, working full time and so much more. And now, my inner superhero was telling me that I was ready for the next chapter, to try something new even if it scared me.

I now can share my oxygen masks with others when needed, knowing I am truly the best version of ME. I lead a life of service, my cup overflowing with gratitude and my purpose to spread kindness wherever I go, stop and smell the flowers myself and also bring the beauty with me to others.

My days, my heart and my tank are now full. I read, journal, exercise, give back, eat like a champ, learn something new and am a more confident, more focused woman with clarity , energy and joy.

My passion is now helping others find their inner superhero; We may not be able to change your past, but we can change your perspective and find your path to purpose, balance and fulfillment.

Source – https://coachjennifer4u.net/