Episode 182 of the Unscripted Podcast is with the author of the new book “Meanwhile,” Carol McLeod.

Meanwhile: Meeting God in the Wait, the 15th book by Carol McLeod, is set to release July 26, 2022.

Meanwhile examines the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis, and shares how his journey parallels our modern lives today. Like Joseph, we often find ourselves in the “meanwhile”. The choices of others created Joseph’s hardships, yet he rested in God’s promises and stayed focused on his purpose and calling.

Carol is a sought-after speaker, best-selling author of 15 books, and podcaster. Her Jolt of Joy podcast is ranked in the top 5% of podcasts internationally, and Significant Women ranks in the top 10%.

Known for her great joy and enthusiasm, Carol encourages and empowers women with passionate and practical Bible-focused teaching, interspersed with her own special brand of hope and humor.

Website – https://www.carolmcleodministries.com/