“I will be content in every circumstance.” – Maverick City (Jireh)

When we sent Princess 1.0 off to college, she became a fan of new music artists. At some point, she told me about this group called “Maverick City.” I am now a huge fan of Maverick City too. We had the blessing of seeing them together as a family a few months ago it was incredible.

If you know me you know that I love music. Actually, I love lyrics. I love the poetry and the way that artists can put the soundtrack of our lives into words. That’s why I wrestle with this one so much…..

I will be content in every circumstance

Maverick City Worship

When I heard the song “Jireh” by Maverick City, I challenged myself with those seven words. They seemed easy enough. I mean, I can be content in every circumstance right? Oh friends, be careful what you wish for…..

Let me be REALLY honest here. I am 100 pounds heavier than I was when I ran 25 half marathons in 3 years. My wardrobe doesn’t fit anymore. Over a half dozen friends that are doing a weight loss program have reached out to me about “helping me with my health journey.” Apparently I am their target audience. That is humbling, humiliating and painful. It’s not their fault, it’s mine. Nothing fits anymore. I don’t want to be seen by friends that know me as “skinny.” I hate going out in public. I am ashamed of where I am physically.

“I will be content in EVERY circumstance.”

In the past month our cars that are “getting up there in age” have needed repairs, tires and what cars that are older need. When I look at the bank account, I wonder how it will all work out.

“I will be content in EVERY circumstance.”

I am currently walking through a cancer journey with no less than 5 different friends. I am crushed as I get details about their struggles, treatments and pain. I can’t fix it. I can’t help. I can just be near.

“I will be content in EVERY circumstance.”

For a year and a half I have been launching my own business. Anyone that has started their own business knows the struggle. The sleepless nights. The stress and fear when you look ahead to the future and what could or could not happen. There are long days of working alone and doing multiple positions and roles to make it all happen.

“I will be content in EVERY circumstance.”

In the past few weeks we have dropped off our first child for his final year of college, our middle child for her sophomore year in college and finalized where our third child will attend college next year. Every one of those children need money and so does the University that they attend. It feels like we keep writing checks and, again, running your own business makes it even more scary and unknown. Yet somehow, it is all there. They are all doing what they want and love to do. I am not sure what the future holds but…..

“I will be content in EVERY circumstance.”

When a new light pops up in the dashboard of my car or my life….

“I will be content in EVERY circumstance.”

When the bill doesn’t fit my bank account…..

“I will be content in EVERY circumstance.”

When the pain of my past doesn’t match my need for resolution and justice….

“I will be content in EVERY circumstance.”

The list is endless. Here’s what I want to challenge anyone that will read this….

Be content in EVERY circumstance.

Because it’s all going to be okay.

It really is.

Let me ask you this… How old are you? How many years have you been on this round rock? No matter how good or how bad it’s been, you are STILL on this round rock. To quote the great philosopher Pit Bull “Every day above ground is a good one.”

You’re still here.

You’re still alive.

You still have a chance to make a difference, change a life and live unscripted.

Let’s commit to being content in every circumstance. One day the score will all be equal and we will worship the One that made it all possible.

“I will be content in EVERY circumstance.”