This is a hard post to write. I am not sure how else I can say this…. Cancer sucks.

Throughout my half century on this planet, I have had to hear so many friends say, text, call with the news. There just aren’t words.

At the time of typing this, I am walking next to no less than six friends that are in the fight of their lives with that horrible disease. Some have received encouraging news. Others have received the news that none of us want to ever hear. Look, this post isn’t about me. Their battles aren’t about me. I’m not anything more than a guy just trying to be there as they would be there for me. Period. Full stop.

So as I sit here with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart, I only know to do one thing and that is pray. I also open the bible and lean into what it says. I mean, how else can we even begin to make sense of this? Who can comfort the ones fighting? Who can be close to the husband, wife, children, brother, sister, parents and friends? We want answers and friends, I just don’t have them.

What I have is hope.

I have a hope that on that day….

On that day we will know the why.

On that day we will see the bigger plan.

On that day we will hug those we lose and reunite once again.

On that day, the cancer will be gone. The fear and tests and pain and struggle will too.

On that day, it won’t matter, it won’t hurt, it won’t need words or explanations.

And so we wait on that day.

Until then, love them like Jesus. Stay by their side. (Casting Crowns)

We don’t need the answers to all of life’s questions. (Also Casting Crowns)

We just need to look ahead, be present, be mindful and be in expectation of all that awaits

on that day.