Last week was one for the books. A week I won’t forget and if I’m being honest, I hope I never go through again. The truth is, I will and so will you.

I think I share too much. Actually, I KNOW I share too much. I put it all out there. Thanks to social media, I overshare. Not much is hidden or left to question. It’s so bad that friends will text me and say “Don’t put this on social media but (insert rest of text message here).” It is well chronicled that I have been struggling the last few weeks. I’ve fought and wrestled with God about things I just don’t like and understand. I didn’t win and that is okay.

My God did not fail.

On Saturday I was honored to be a pallbearer for a dear friend. It’s weird to say that because I would rather there had not been a reason for me to be a pallbearer. Again, I didn’t win my arguments with God. I tried but I didn’t win. His plan was bigger. His plan is greater. I don’t understand it now, but….

My God did not fail.

It was good to be back in my hometown. My soul needed it. Just to drive the streets and see the many faces that built me. The people that put up with my teenage years. The friends that left fingerprints all over my story. The house that built me. The High School that shaped me. The store from my first job. The years I wrestled and went on my own way.

My God did not fail.

I got home Saturday night and we did what we always do. Early Sunday morning my wife and I awoke around 5am to our dog in full arrest. We don’t know if it was a stroke or a heart attack. Whatever it was, it was traumatic and awful. Our children were all home from college for their break. The final day they would be home. We got him calm and decided to wake them up to say goodbye.

As our children said goodbye, one by one, our amazing dog found some strength to literally look at each one of them. It was incredible and beautiful and painful. We knew he was nearing end of life. We didn’t know it would end like this. He grew up with them. He was their steady in a life of chaos. He stayed with them until their journeys were ready to take the next steps.

My God did not fail.

I don’t know who will read this. I don’t know your story. What I continue to see is that God is faithful. It might not be today. It might not be 5 years from now. It might not ever be in our understanding but know this….

My God does not fail.

One final story.

Over a decade ago, I lost a dear friend after a courageous battle with cancer. In his final hours, I promised him I would take care of his family. Time and circumstance made that promise seem like I failed. Just a few months ago, my wife and I were out walking our dog. A car pulled off and a young man got out. He approached us. After some conversation he asked if I would mentor him. I’m not sure I am equipped to mentor anyone. This request came from the son of the man I had made that promise to years ago.

Today, that young man is one of the most important members of our Unscripted Collective team. Make no mistake, he has absolutely earned it. He is awesome and amazing and God knew all those years ago that he and I would be working together and I would need him so much for our business and friendship.

I don’t know why he took my friend and this young man’s dad over a decade ago. I have wrestled with it for years and so has he.

I just know that….

My God did not fail.

Whatever you are walking through today, I know it sounds cliche and like empty words but, my God does not fail. His timing is HIS timing and not ours. Our story is His story and He loves each and every person that might read this. Hold fast. Trust him. When you can’t see his fingerprints, trust Him even more.

My God does not fail.