Several months ago my Princess 2.0 and I got matching tattoos. As we were driving home I said “I think I’m done.” I just meant that I didn’t think I would get any more tattoos. I thought I was done. I have nothing against tattoos (obviously), I just thought I might be done with the ones I had.

Then Taylor Swift went on her Eras tour…..

If you’ve been around this blog, podcast and me long enough you know that I adore my bride and our three children. You are probably familiar with “The Boy” “Princess 1.0” and “Princess 2.0.”

You probably know I would do anything for them and have done my broken best to fight all of their struggles, pains and hurts away. I’ve done my best to listen, advise and give whatever wisdom I can offer in this crazy world that they are growing up in.

Then old Taylor had to go and drop a lyric that said it best…..

“I’ve had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.”

As soon as I heard it, I wrote it on the whiteboard in my studio. That’s it. That’s what we do as parents. That should be the goal. To stand side by side fighting dragons (insert your child’s dragon here) with them.

Princess 2.0 decided she wanted another tattoo before leaving for college. She was intentional. She knew her why and it mattered. When she mentioned it, I said “I know what I want mine to be too.” There was no question outside of location and how it would look.

When I mentioned it to my bride she said “What does that mean?”

I of course got choked up (on brand for me as a flaming empath) and explained that my 53 years on this planet have led me to this moment. The time, the treasures of three children, the battles. I like to think that I stood next to them and at times in front of them, fighting their “dragons.” We all have them. You insert yours into that. We all fight our dragons.

In the next two weeks, we will send our Princesses One and Two off to college. Then it will be just my bride and I. “The Boy” is well on his way to his new life and career. Here’s the most important part…..

The battle isn’t over.

We can’t lay down our swords and shields.

Not yet.

We are parents forever.

It’s a battle I will fight every single day. For their hearts. For their futures. For them.

Austin, Emma, and Brynn….

Know that I have had the time of my life fighting dragons with you….