Episode 258 is with Timothy Mahoney, creator of Bible Cinema Roadshow and Patterns of Evidence Films.

Timothy Mahoney is the award-winning director of six feature films: Patterns of Evidence: Mt Sinai I & II, Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle I & II, Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy, and Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus. Tim is the founder of Thinking Man Films and Media, a Minneapolis, Minnesota-based international documentary & publishing company. Tim has spent almost 20 years exploring some of the biggest questions of the Bible and what they mean for our world today. His insatiable curiosity led him on a journey across the world interviewing some of the world’s leading Bible scholars, archaeologists, and historians to seek answers. What he’s uncovered is an amazing pattern of evidence that matches the events recorded in the Bible. Tim was raised hearing that the stories in the Bible were true, but as he got older he was challenged to lose those beliefs. These questions led him on a trip to Egypt and the very location of the  Exodus story. It was there that he experienced his own crisis of faith when told there was no evidence for this account. Undeterred, he had to know – were these foundational stories in the Bible true or not? This led him on a 12-year investigation resulting in the feature documentary Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus. This award-winning film and its companion book, Patterns of Evidence: A Filmmaker’s Journey challenged the traditional views of biblical criticism, demonstrating archaeological evidence that matched the Bible’s narrative. The balanced approach allowed audiences to decide for themselves if the Exodus was truth or myth. A native Minnesotan, Tim’s hobbies include folk music and outdoor activities. Tim and Jill have been married for 40 years. They have four (4) married children and eight (8) grandchildren.

GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH is a feature-length documentary coming to theaters November 5th-6th. It offers incredibly compelling evidence of what the Star of Bethlehem was and what the Magi saw that caused them to travel more than 700 miles to Israel. Additional content provides evidence for the date and circumstance of Christ’s crucifixion.  

This is the first installment in Thinking Man Film’s Bible Cinema Roadshow, a year-long theatrical film series designed to bring Biblical content to your community all year long via theaters.