You know recently I made some decisions to clean up a few areas of my life. For years that has been dragging me down. It’s been a journey and it will continue. Someday I’ll tell the rest of that story. For now, let’s just say that I have been cleaning up some areas of my life.

Psalms 30:5 famously says

“For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.”

Psalms 30:5

A funny thing (quite literally) happened to me last week though. As a part of the cleanup process, I am sleeping better than I have in ages. Good, solid, deep, restful sleep. I happened to notice that at least 3 times in the past few weeks I have woken myself up laughing. Not just a smile, a full-blown laughing. Laughing so hard I couldn’t stop. My wife even mentioned it because it woke her up with my laughing too.

When I think of that, I think of how we think that joy comes only in the morning. The start of a new day. The beginning of a clean page. How can we not be joyful when nothing has happened yet to tarnish this brand-new day? That is if you don’t count having to get out of a comfortable bed.

I would argue that joy can also come in the evening. It can come when you least expect it. It can come in a deep sleep that leaves you laughing. It can come from a peace you haven’t known in years. It can come when we start to clean up those areas of our lives that are long overdue to be addressed. It can come in peace that we are or have slayed another dragon.

Joy comes in the morning, but it can come at night too.