Day Three – Blessed are the Meek

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth -Matthew 5:5 Like I said in earlier posts, this is just my crazy finite minds interpretation of the beatitudes as I reflect on them. That being said, as I read commentaries and resources on Matthew 5:5, one quote...

Day Two – Those Who Mourn

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted -Matthew 5:4 Here I was all ready to post something about funerals and how we can find comfort. I am sad to say that I have said goodbye to far too many friends already in my life. I have no doubt mourned. In...

Day One – Poor in Spirit

As I kick off this 8 days of looking at the beatitudes, I should warn you all that I am not a bible scholar. I didn’t attend seminary and am not a Pastor. I am just giving my common, everyday, finite mind application of what these key verses say to me the next 8...

8 Days

We’re all on a journey. We’re all a “work in progress”. If someone were to ask me to give them two songs that define where I am on my journey and what God is doing in my life, I would give them “I Wonder What Life Would be Like” by...