I Am

This is a re-post of sorts. Lots of “stuff” going on all around us isn’t there? Sometimes it makes you wonder if God is still in control. The requests are real. The requests are important. The requests are for friends, loved ones and people we...

I Am

I had to laugh this morning when I reflected on the excitement of last weekend. I was amused by how excited we can get when another person signs their name on a piece of paper. While that individual might have special gifts or talents, they are just as human as you...

Waiting for Lightning

I once had a friend that would say he was “waiting for a sign” before he would believe or have faith. He once told me this as we sat in his lovely home surrounded by comfort. I looked at his children as they were happy, healthy and playing. I thought about...

A Call to Prayer

Many of you have been following the journey of my friend Stef the past few months either through his blog, AC180, my blog or all three. If you are not familiar with Stef, he is an amazing man of God, Christian brother, husband, father and friend. God gave me the...