Episode 219 | Rod Laughlin – The Readable Bible

Episode 219 | Rod Laughlin – The Readable Bible

The Readable Bible is Scripture the way it would look if the biblical writers had been sitting in front of a computer when God spoke through them. The first of its kind (there hasn’t been a cover-to-cover Bible formatting update in the last one hundred years),...

19 Days

Best I can tell, there are at least 20 of us starting a 19 day walk through Nehemiah today. The guys at AC180 as well as friends of this blog have committed the next 19 days to opening the book of Nehemiah and seeing what God can teach us during this time. If you care...

More Quiet Strength

I’m still on the road and now about 3/4 of the way through “Quiet Strength”. Below are a few more quotes that really stood out to me as I read them tonight: “How would your business do if you spent the amount of time on it that you spend on...