Introducing: Alastair Vance

In case you haven’t noticed I have been doing some housekeeping around this blog. I’m not quite done yet so you might see an occasional broken link or template change here or there until it’s all done. While doing some updating last night to the...

Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude

I have had the absolute blessing on several occasions to meet people from the blog world either through my travel or theirs. It happened again tonight as my family and I had the honor of meeting a family that I have the ultimate respect for. Many of you in the...

Thanks MercyMe!

I wanted to give a quick thank you to the guys from MercyMe for linking me to their blogroll. I don’t know if we will ever meet in person (this side of heaven), but I believe these guys are as real as it gets. If you have ever been to one of their concerts you...