Beautiful The Mess We Are

There is a song out by Amy Grant called “Better Than A Hallelujah”. Each and every time I hear it, there is a lyric that captures me. She sings: “Beautiful the mess we are, honest cries of breaking hearts…are better than a hallelujah”...

No Man Left Behind

In the movie Toy Story, one of the little green army guys gets stepped on by Andy’s mom. As they rush to hide in a nearby plant, the Sargent of the little green army guys notices that there is a soldier down and goes back to get him. The soldier tells them to go...

I Ordered Mine!

I can’t believe it has been two years since roughly 30 other men and I went through the book “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge. Something special happened over the course of the 8 weeks within this group. Although we have all continued on our own...

A Friend To Me

“There’s times I’d rather kill you then listen to your honesty, but you’ve always been a friend to me” – Garth Brooks You gotta love when you surround yourself with “truth tellers”. I made a commitment long ago to run...

Who Says You Can’t Go Home?

What a weekend. The family and I left on Friday afternoon to head to our hometown of Bedford, Ohio for the wedding of Heather’s youngest sister. “My Girls”, “The Boy” and Heather were all in the wedding so it was an exciting time for...